From Russia With Linguistics - Illustrator Landysh Akhmetzyanova

She trained as a Linguist. Worked as a Translator. Dreamt as an Illustrator. Eventually Landysh brought them together: co-founding Lingvistov, a Skype based language service which also allowed her illustrations to speak volumes too, so much so they've now become a product of their own.

She shares thoughts on collaborating to expand your ambitions, how to succeed in a business partnership and how they use content marketing to promote their business.

Don't forget to subscribe via iTunes and the Podcast app for iPhone etc and also via Stitcher who have an Android app - If you like the podcast, please do leave a review if you get a chance. Thanks!

Here’s some of the key takeaway points:

  • Their business was born when a freelance marketplace site changed their conditions to take a bigger percentage of each job; Landysh and her partner decided they'd create their own site instead! Why be at the mercy of someone else?

  • When collaborating with others in business - be open and communicate; talk a lot about what you do and what you want to do

  • They don't have much marketing budget, instead they use content to pull people to their business as people share it: articles, videos, audio, cartoons

  • They have diversified their income; as well as the linguistic school and services, her illustrations are now available to buy in a range of products from their own shop

  • Don't feel you have to be 'normal' with a regular job, if you're passionate about something go for it, earn a living a from it

More from Landysh

Online Language Courses from Lingvistov

The Lingvistov Shop

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Who the hell is Steve Folland?

You know how everyone bangs on about how powerful video and audio content can be? Yeah, well Steve helps businesses make it and make the most of it. Find out more at Track him down on Twitter @sfolland or lay a trail of cake and he'll eventually catch you up.

And finally... we managed to dig up the front cover of the book that Steve and Landysh (Lana) had published in 2009 back when he was a breakfast radio DJ and she was a student with a dream to illustrate books...

Steve Folland Landysh Dear Mr DJ Book Cover 2009