Elizabeth listened to every episode of the Being Freelance podcast and here's what she learned

Celebrating 294 EPISODES In 294 Words

Being freelance doesn’t mean you’re alone; there’s a huge community of freelancers waiting with a cuppa, a cookie, and a pair of ears to help you grow. 

Everyone’s journey is different, and after listening to 294 episodes - you can literally make it up as you go along. Sort of. You need some sort of plan. Even if it’s on a napkin. A way to get from A to C and not get lost at B. But even if B gets a bit wobbly, don’t panic, ask for help and keep going.

Indulge your passions. Just because you started in one field, doesn’t mean you can’t move into another.

Never put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your marketing, your networking and your opportunities and ‘keep meeting people’. Today I did my 2nd networking of 2023 as result.

Gosh, finances suck. Apart from the accountants, I don’t think one freelancer gets a buzz of joy keeping the books up-to-date. This means I’ve got myself a number cruncher so I don’t panic. 

Follow up contacts, leads and opportunities. Don’t be shy.

Rarely do people give up. They look at what went wrong and try again.

Every journey and story Steve covers is relatable, no matter the field of work, or background.

Each freelancer is a business of one, and you need to think of yourself as a business.

Let your friends and family know what you do and how they can help you.

Always look after yourself. You are ground zero and need to be bringing your a-game to make things work.

Not every freelancer needs social media to grow. I abandoned two social programs after hearing so many routes to success.

Cats are a common freelancer companion.

Each podcast is perfect dog walking length.

Elizabeth Chesney is a freelance UX & UI Designer.

Elizabeth went full-time freelance in January 2023 after listening to all 294 episodes of
the podcast in a matter of months.
As well as making this post 294 words she very cleverly snuck in another trick to her post. Did you spot it?

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