Posts in illustrator
Illustrator Levi Jacobs

Levi left art school with no job, but worse, no love of art.

Eventually he started creating and experimenting. Finding his style, he also found an art director and his lucky break. Going from flipping burgers to turning over big meaty clients.

Still Levi has worked hard to keep the ‘play’ of art in his life. Joining a studio and forming a collective. He’s not going to let getting paid to create detroy his love for it.

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Designer & Illustrator Andi Best

After graduating with a degree in illustration, Andi moved back to his hometown.

Renting an odd-shaped office with no windows might not have given him great views. But it did give him amazing business connections that would set the first of many freelance plates spinning.

With a varied career, Andi’s also enjoying the challenge of mastering freelancing with his latest clients…his children.

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