Posts tagged travel
Is freelancing child’s play? - Kids' App Designer Chris O'Shea

When it comes to freelance life, Chris has done it three ways. From working out of a bedroom in his parent’s home straight out of college, to building a name for himself and making it big in London. Chris is now settled in Somerset, where he manages his third business alongside being a stay-at-home dad of two.

Chris isn’t just designing games. He’s designing a work life that fits his family.

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Get a mentor, Be a mentor - Art Director Kirsten Murray

Kirsten set herself a goal. To create a better work/travel balance. To see more of the world without giving up her job.

And that's where we find her, on the road - more than happy to NOT set a new goal, but instead enjoy living this one.

We chat about collaboration, remote working, making opportunities, digital nomad life, side projects and more. Kirsten's both a mentor and a mentee and thinks no matter where we are in our freelance careers there are always people just a few steps ahead that we can learn from. And others who can learn from us.

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Keeping business afloat - Cartoonist Sarah Steenland

Sarah and her husband always wanted to retire and go cruising around the seas and oceans. They'd work hard in the construction industry, save their money and one day set sail.

Then when the financial crisis hit 10 years ago things changed. Forced to sell everything and start living on a boat they realised maybe they didn't have to wait until they were older. Maybe they could do this now!

There are plenty of digital nomads. But few have a family of four to support. Even less live on a boat - taking the term 'remote' working to a whole new level.

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